24 February 2023

Moturoa Mission Church


SIZE: 510MM X 650MM


PAPER: Ilford - Cotton Rag


This building, originally built in 1869 by Zaccheus William Wells, was gifted and relocated to its current location in Moturoa, New Plymouth in 1940. Personally, I have a special connection to this building because of its charming appearance and because it was a regular sight for me as I left my daughter's daycare. Seeing it overlooking the play and fun of her day gave me a sense of security. The architecture of this building also interests the artists.

Public Art Studio - Open  Monday & Friday

487 Mokau Road, Mimi, Taranakii

Phone: +64 2740 55 49

E-mail: helenmclorinan@outlook.com

All artwork and photography are the copyright of Helen McLorinan Art.

Images may not be printed or used commercially without prior permission